Out of Context Office Quotes

Author: Michael Van Geest (page 2 of 3)

“It would be worse if the wart was black” -BR


“Black is not a good skin col… Oh”



“This is what I think a dogs thought process sounds like”



“That’s why racism still exists!”



“It’s easy on the way in, it’s when you’re sucking on the way out”



“Is that racist? I mean watermelon is kinda messy…”



“I  feel worse about TV shows like that than I do terrorism”



“The sun is the brightness so why is he wearing shades?”



“That’s when you use your mouth”



“If you were Ranch dressing on someone’s beard, would you want to be wiped off?”


– JL

“Hailey’s first Sword!”


“Aaliya doesn’t have a sword…” – B


You could get her a kitchen knife” – M

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